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Beginner's guide

If you have just discovered Space Station 13 and want to start playing on our server, this guide can help you with it.

  • The first thing that you need to do is to download BYOND client.
  • Then you should create your BYOND account.
  • Done! Now you are able to connect to the server. This can be done by adding our URL to your client's notes: click on the "Open" button on the left corner of the client, then "Games", "Add" — and write down this URL:byond://

You will be taken straight to the lobby when you connect. Now you may create your character by clicking "Setup character" button. Choose your apperance: gender, body shape, age etc., then fill your flavor text field, and records if you want.

  • "Records" are additional comments to your character's personality at three departments: Security, Employment, Medical. Has your character ever been to prison? What can you tell about him as an employee? Does he have any illnesses? And so on.
  • "Flavor text" — any IC-additions to your character's apperance, which can be seen by clicking Shift-LMB at him.

As you create your character, go on to the "Occupations" and set "Yes" in front of the "Assistant". Now you are able to spawn as Assistant, which is perfect for newcomers.

Alright, let's get to the game! Click "Save slot" and close "Setup Character" window.

Depending on a round start, you can see "Ready" or "Join Game" buttons.

место для картинки

Let's take a look at the interface.
On the right side of the screen you can see oxygen and pressure level, toxins, extreme temperatures, your character's body temperature, health condition (in general) and saturation level. Also take a look at the buttons "Resist", "Pull", "Throw" and "Drop". By clicking Resist you can pull down handcuffs, for example, but it takes time and your stillness. Pull is responsible for things that you drag — by clicking on this button you will leave this thing. The next two buttons are responsible for things that you can hold in your hands.
Below you can see a "puppet", which is usable for choosing an interacted zone on a body (e.g. if you want to bandage your hand — aim on it, and use bandage on yourself by clicking at your character sprite) and walk/run button. One of the main things in users interface are also placed here — intents. Help, Disarm, Grab and Hurt buttons defines how you will interact with enviroment. E.g. using help, you will hug other characters by clicking on them, nevertheless, using harm you will hit them. And so on.
Now let's talk about interactions.
You can move using arrows. For picking things up you should click at them by your empty hand. Shift-LMB will allow you to examine things and characters.
For example, you want to check your PDA. You have it on your belt by default. By clicking on it you will take it, by clicking again you will open it's menu.

See? That is as simple as that. You can interact this way with a plenty of things. Let's try to take your ID in the other hand and put it into your PDA. Then place your PDA over ID slot. This will allow you to free your belt.

By the left side you have slots for your clothes, ID, belt and back. Backpack can be holded on your backslot. You can click on it and see contents.
Your character can speak by writing words into the line below. You can also speak into your headset by adding ";" before message in order to be heared in radiochannel. For emotions you can use F4 button and describe them (F4 - tape "smiled" - "Ivan Penkov (your character's name) smiled").
Pay attention to window in the right corner. There are buttons "ООС" and "Admin". OOC — Out Of Character. When you want to say hello to all players out of the round, use this button. Using Admin you can ask administrator a question in case he is online (check with "adminwho").
Initial safety precautions
You have a box with a mask and a oxygen tank in your backpack by default. When it is air alarm you need to put on your mask and airtank, then click on the button with a tank on the upper-right corner of your screen in order to set your internals, and breathe.

Generally, this information contains the basics of controls. Good luck playing on our server, and remember: be friendly, stay robust!