Guide to Deep Mining ErisEn

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Deep Mining on Asteroids

Congratulations on signing on for Aster's Guild deep ressources exploitation, miner, and welcome on board. Settle in and get your bearings, then proceed to the control terminal aboard the Hulk shuttle and select your first landing site! We are looking forward to seeing you in action!

First steps

You just woke up from your cryosleep as an Aster's Guild miner and don't know what do do? Here are some steps to follow to successfully extract your first minerals from those deep space rocks!

  • Head to Section III and enter Aster's Guild lobby, on the opposite side of the corridor from the Club.
  • Go down to the mining dock by crossing the two double airlocks.
  • If the Hulk shuttle is still docked to the ship, get in there! Otherwise, you can ask on Aster's Guild comms channel (:u) when the shuttle will come back and enjoy some beers at the Club (or help your fellow Aster's technicians if you're the serious kind)
  • Just after entering the shuttle, grab your voidsuit and an oxygen tank in the room near the entrance. Take the mining scanner as well, you will need it.
  • Head further inside the shuttle toward the control room to grab the rest of your gear. You should see a few locked mining lockers. You can open them with your ID card if they have not been claimed yet by another miner. Grab your shotgun, pickaxe, .50 cal slug box and put a few in your pockets for quick reload. Don't forget your mining satchel to store ores.
  • Announce on Aster's comms that you are going out in case another miner wants to come with you and so that people know that they have to go looking for your corpse if they don't hear about you in the next hour.
  • If you got everything you need, use the control console in the cockpit, select one of the available Asteroid Landing Site then launch the shuttle.
  • Oops, I hope you buckled yourself. Ah, don't worry, eating the floor don't hurt that much. Worse awaits you anyway.

I have landed on the asteroid, what do I do now?

  • Before going out, grab a spare large energy cell, a welder and a wrench.
  • Get one of the big wooden mining box and pull it into the airlock.
  • Take one of the deep mining drill in storage and pull it in the airlock as well.
  • Once you got everything, turn on your internals and use the buttons to cycle to the exterior.
  • Take a deep breath and enjoy the atmosphere (in a figurative sense, do NOT remove your helmet)
  • Use your mining scanner on the ground to scan it and watch the seismic activity level, it will impact how much minerals you get out of the ground, but also how much the local wildlife is going to be angry about your lucrative mining operations. Do not pay to much attention to the ore levels, the deep drill extracts in a huge radius around it so even if you set it on a tile with low mineral, it will pull from the rich tiles nearby.
  • Depending on which seismic level you are aiming at, set your defenses more or less thoroughly (spare metal sheets are useful to set some tables and low walls). Wrench the deep drill on the spot you want, then click on it with an empty hand. For the drill to work properly, the space around it should be clear (so basically nothing in a 3x3 square with the drill in the middle).
  • Get your gun ready, the deep drill is extracting! Stay close to defend it and keep it operational. We are expecting an increase in hostiles!

Seimic activity

The seimic activity influences the difficulty of the mining operations. The harder the mission, the more minerals you get!

As soon as the deep drill starts to extract, a first burrow will spawn, then other will follow at regular interval. Each burrow spawns a batch of golems at regular interval. The number of golems that are spawned depend on the seimic level. Special kinds of golems can spawn for the higher seimic levels. Burrows can be destroyed by attacking them to prevent the situation from going out of hands.

Seimic Level Classification Mineral multiplier Burrows Interval between burrow spawns Interval between golems spawns Golems per spawn Special golem probability
1 Dormant x 1.0 2 15 sec 12 sec 2 0 %
2 Negligible x 1.1 2 12 sec 10 sec 2 0 %
3 Typical x 1.2 3 12 sec 9 sec 3 10 %
4 Substantial x 1.35 3 12 sec 9 sec 3 20 %
5 Major x 1.5 4 10 sec 7 sec 4 30 %
6 Abnormal x 2.0 5 9 sec 6 sec 4 30 %


"Scanner reports significant seismic activity. And it's heading your way. Dig in and prepare."

Local wildlife does not enjoy your mining activities and will try to destroy the deep drill. It will explode if its health pool goes to zero so you better protect it. Fair warning: any destruction of company property will be deducted from your pay at the end of the month.

Golem Type Health Ballistic Armor Melee Armor Energy Armor Damage (Melee) Damage (Ranged) Speed Special ability
Iron High High High Low Low None Sluggish None
Coal Medium Medium Medium Low Medium None Medium When engulfed in fire, turns into a diamond golem.
Silver Low Low Medium Low Extreme None High Sharp attacks: bleed and puncture voidsuits. Also reflects part of the damage it takes in melee.
Plasma Low Low None High Feeble Medium Medium When shot to death, it charges up for a few seconds then explodes in a ball of plasma fire. If hit in melee whilst charging up, the charge stops and the golem simply dies.
Platinum Medium High Low Medium Feeble High Sluggish Ranged attack is slow but deal massive damage and weaken the target.
Uranium Medium Medium High Extreme None None Low Heal all nearby golems at a quick rate, a priority target
Diamond Extreme High High Medium Medium None Sluggish Goes straight toward the drill and deals massive damage to structures in its way.
Ansible Low Low Low Low None Medium Medium Shoot a bolt that does burn and sanity damages. Can lock on a miner to teleport them near other golems after a few seconds.

Upon death, golems drop a few clumps of their respective ore.