Supermatter Engine ErisEn

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The supermatter is the core of power generation aboard the Eris. Don't touch, or even look at it unprotected.


Hope you aren't colorblind.
You'll need this computer.
  1. Wrench canisters in ports in green squares. Plasma for (2) and Nitrogen for (1), but you also can use Plasma for both
  2. Turn on pumps in yellow squares. IMPORTANT: Set them to max, else your TEGs won't be efficient
  3. Set up omni-filters in red squares. Set it to filter gas that was wrenched in ports in green squares (1). Turn on pump in red square. Wrench empty canister in port in red square.
  4. (Optional, but highly recommended) Wrench a Nitrogen canister to the port in the purple square and turn the purple pump to max.
  5. Head to the computer in cyan square. Search for the inject port.
  6. (Optional) Double check everything.
  7. Start SM.

Usually you don't want your EER be too high, so use about 12-16 emitter shots for Nitrogen setup. It will eventually get lower, so check it sometimes. Plasma setup can withstand EER up to 1500+. You can simply just leave emitter on since it's bottlenecks at ~1400. If you can keep your cooling good enough you might even leave emitter on, but I would not recommend that.

TEG power output depends on: differences between temperatures in both loops and amounts of moles in both loops. More moles = more power, so it's good idea to introduce more gases to the loops.