Grab-Fu ErisEn
Force Grab-Fu is the nickname to the unarmed combat system that focuses on using grabbing (that yellow thing in the intent menu) and targeting various bodyparts with dubious intentions. Grabbing a target opens up a whole range of hostile options, albeit from a mere one-tile range. Here you can see some information about grabbing, as well as all currently possible interactions.
Levels of Grabs
The GRAB intent by default grabs with a passive intent - that is to say with no intention of causing harm. This is good for transporting injured characters without causing additional wounds (as opposed to pulling them). Grabbing a player this way also occupies the hand used, meaning that it cannot be used to wield weapons.
There are three (four) levels of grabs: passive, aggressive
, and neck grab
, also known as yellow, blue and red grab levels.
A passive grab can be upgraded to an aggressive grab by activating the grabbing hand (default key: Z). Aggressive grabs can be chained into hostile actions such as throwing or choking out a target. Activating an aggressive grab again chains it into a neck grab. Neck grabs may be upgraded to a stranglehold, and strangleholds force your victim to lay on the ground and slowly suffocate them. Do note that "upgrading" (activating) the grab takes some windup time, the longevity of which depends on your ROBUSTNESS stat.
Grabbed entities take additional damage from melee attacks.
Passive Grab | Aggressive Grab | Neck Grab |
Allows you to perform first-aid moves, as well as some of the utility-focused damaging moves. | Allows you to perform damaging and utility moves, as well as to throw your victim. | Allows you to perform high-damage moves. |
Prevents victim's wounds from opening while moving. | Irish whip can be performed. | Victim may be used as a meat shield to block bullets. |
Special Moves
Certain combinations of attacks can have additional utility besides causing damage. Nearly all of these can be started from a successful aggressive grab on a target.
Hostile Architecture
In addition to the above listed moves, grabbed victims be placed on certain types of furniture and ship architecture for more special moves.
Irish whip
Spinning the grab using spin-held-item
verb sends the grabbed walking behind the attacker for 3 tiles; there are unique interactions for walls, windows, tables and railings in the way: walls deal low damage, windows deal medium damage, railings and tables flip over. To do this, your grab needs to be of aggressive level.
Being grabbed is the absolute WORST situation for a player to be in - if someone is initiating a grab against you they probably know what they are doing. Still, there are things the victim can do to prevent things from getting worse. The best defense however is always going to be keeping distance from other players. Under normal circumstances, grabs can only be initiated when both parties are directly adjacent to each other.
The most basic defense, the RESIST action can be used to break free of a grab IF the victim's ROBUSTNESS stat is high enough. The amount of ROBUSTNESS the victim needs to break out of a grab is relative to the attacker's ROBUSTNESS stat; if the attacker's ROBUSTNESS is higher than the victim's then the victim will have a hard time escaping the grab.
Whenever someone grabs someone else, their grab is counterable for 3 seconds. During that window, if the attacked clicks on the aggressor with grab intent and empty hand, the attacked can COUNTER the grab and instantly get an aggressive one on the attacker. Do note that counter success chance is relative to your ROBUSTNESS stat, just like resisting.
Countering requires the attacked to not only click on our aggressor with an active hand, it also needs the aggressor to have a grab in their hands. Which means, if the aggressor quickly grabs the victim, and then drops the grab, but the victim tries to counter that, they would instead grab the aggressor, which would activate their counter timer!