User:Nullaurelian/Cyborg ErisEN Draft

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Difficulty: Hard
Superior: AI
Duties: Dependent on installed module
Guides: Guide To Technomancy, Guide to Construction, Guide to Moebius Labs ErisEn
Quote: I live! Again!


The Robot (also known as Cyborg) is a role that can be chosen at round start or mid round should a player die and their brain installed into an MMI. Cyborgs have a standard set of Silicon Laws and report to the AI, assuming one is installed on the ship.

Default Silicon Laws Quick Reference

Robots do not have inventories like normal human pawns - rather they have access to Modules. Modules are preset inventories that are chosen by the robot. Once a module is chosen it cannot be swapped out without a Reset Module from Moebius Science. Additionally Robots do not suffer sanity effects nor do they gain insight. Their capabilities are not intrinsic to the character but rather are the result of what tools they have equipped to them.


The following is a summary of the various modules that a cyborg can select upon activation.


In addition to these tools, a cryptographic sequencer (aka emag) unlocks special options for each module to assist in nefarious deeds.

Resetting Robots

A robot's modules can be reset by inserting a reset card into a cyborg's internals. Reset cards are can be printed at roundstart in Moebius RnD from the Exosuit Fabricator.

Once a Robot is reset it may select a new module and character sprite.

Similarly Robots may also be renamed using a Robot Rename Card. This allows a Robot to rename themselves.


  • Check the crew manifest before selecting your module; cyborgs have less freedom then normal humans so pick something that will give you a lot to do
  • If your toolset does not contain the exact tool you need for a job, a gripper may be used to hold the tool instead - check what grippers you have
  • Cyborgs do no suffer sanity loss nor do they gain insight or perks
  • Cyborgs have access to the entire ship except the Church premises
  • Cyborgs can remotely interact with engineering objects (APCs, Doors, etc) assuming they had access to them and they are powered
  • Cyborgs as a default have 7000L power cells installed. Despite the large number this cell drains quickly with active use. Know where the chargers are.
  • Want to talk to other silicons without pesky crew understanding what you are saying? Cyborgs can use binary (,b) language.
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