Roles ErisEn

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Commanding Staff

One of the most important people on the ship, whose role is only to command. They regulate finances earned from the investments of NeoTheology and Mobius, feeding Technomants, Ironhammer and other crews with credits.

Job Role Difficulty Guides
Command the ship because your life depends on it. Keep the various factions onboard from becoming openly hostile. aVery Hard The Agreement
First OfficerFancy.png
First Officer
Assist the captain, primarily by dealing with the rest of command staff. Take care of all the things the captain doesn't have time to do. cVery Hard The Agreement, Paperwork

Ironhammer.png Ironhammer Security

PMCs, whose role is solely to protect the ship, and maintain order on board. They try to strictly observe and maintain the execution of the agreement. Basically - carry out the orders of the Captain, however the Commanders word is the final word.

Job Role Difficulty Guides
Ih commander.png
Irhonammer Commander
Ensure the ship and its crew are safe from threats by commanding the onboard mercenary force. cHard The Agreement
Ih sergeant.png
Ironhammer Gunnery Sergeant
Maintain the brig and armoury. cHard The Agreement
Ironhammer Inspector
Investigate crime scenes and solve cases. Chain smoke. cHard The Agreement
Medical SpecialistFancy.png
Ironhammer Medical Specialist
Keep the operatives alive and well. cHard The Agreement
Ih operative.png
Ironhammer Operative
Protect the ship and crew from all threats, internal or external. cHard The Agreement

Moebius.png Moebius Laboratories

One of the first factions who allocated funds for an expedition. They conduct expeditions on abandoned technologies, supply the crew with innovative, and experimental, gadgets for a lump sum, and heal wounds.


Job Role Difficulty Guides
Moebious Biolab Officer
Desperately try to prevent medbay from descending into chaos. Direct the medical staff onboard. cHard -
Moebius Doctor
Treat the hordes of wounded and dying patients. cHard Guide to Medicine, Guide to Surgery
Moebius Chemist
Produce chemical mixtures, primarily for medicine. cMedium Guide to Chemistry
Moebius Psychiatrist
Treat patients who suffer from problems of the mind. cMedium -
Moebius Paramedic
Triage and transport patients to and within medbay to ensure all who need treatment make it. cHard Guide to Medicine


Job Role Difficulty Guides
Moebious Expedition Overseer
Direct and manage your team of scientists onboard the Eris. Expand the knowledge of humanity. cHard The Agreement
Moebious Scientist
Conduct cutting edge research and development. cHard -
Moebious Roboticist
Construct and maintain the miraid of Cyborgs and Mechs onboard. cHard -

Technomancers.png Technomancer League

Technological anarchists, hired by the funds received from the Moebius and NeoTheology investments, known for their love for all mechanical things, they ensure the functioning of the ship, periodically stuffing themselves with a large abundance of implants and prostheses, as well as improving the ship in accordance with the new engineering thought, if it does not go contrary to the captain.

Job Role Difficulty Guides
Technomancer Exultant
Keep the ship running and habitable. Protect and manage the rest of the Technomancer clan onboard. cHard Guide to the Engine
Set up the engine. Make sure it keeps running, along with atmospherics, shields, and thrusters. cHard Guide to the Engine

Guild.png Asters Guild

The Guild of Merchants, (where also consist Captain), honestly sharing a ship with him, and providing the crew with everything they need - provisions, equipment, credits, as well as a smack of capitalist ideas, and action-packed adventures of greedy to the teeth traders.

Job Role Difficulty Guides
Guild MerchantFancy.png
Guild Merchant
Make money, supply the crew, make more money. Manage the rest of the Guild, and advise the captain, to pursue profitable ventures. cHard The Agreement
Guild TechnicianFancy.png
Guild Technician
Assist the aims of the Guild onboard the station. Take supply orders, and deliver them once fulfilled. Follow the guidance of the Merchant to ensure profit. cHard -
Guild MinerFancy.png
Guild Miner
Pilot the mining barge to promising asteroids to extract valuable ores. When not mining, assist the Guild on the station. cHard -


Non-aligned people of disparate backgrounds, hoping to earn their way.

Job Role Difficulty Guides
Assist anywhere you are needed on the station. Good for new players, as no skill is assumed. cEasy -
Make drinks, oversee the bar. Listen to the complaints of the crew. cEasy -
Cook food, serve the crew. cEasy -
Grow plants, mostly food, in hydroponics. Tend the cow and chickens. cEasy -
Entertain the crew. Try to earn some money as an artist on a dying spaceship. cEasy -
Keep the station clean of blood, oil, dirt, and trash. Don't clean up crime scenes until the inspector is done. cEasy -

NeoTheology.png Church of NeoTheology

Mysterious investors, promoting their own religion - and with it, their own influence on the ship, waiting and watching the expedition in dead space, promote the rejection of prostheses by installing a protective implant - a cruciform, with many additional features, such as life extension, or even rebirth after death. But who will believe them?

Job Role Difficulty Guides
NeoTheology PreacherFancy.png
NeoTheology Preacher
Spread the good word of NeoTheology. Clone believers with cruciforms. Perform litanies. cHard -


Extremely limited mechanical assistants of the crew, providing not only great comfort, but also a threat, which the crew has always watched, everyone knows the threat - it has long been repaid, and played a cruel joke with many corporations.

Job Role Difficulty Guides
Serve the station. Obey your laws. Protect the vessel and the crew. cHard -
Obey your laws, under the guidance of the AI. cVery Hard -

Special Roles

Main article: Special Roles
Job Role Difficulty Guides
Eat all the cheese. cVery Hard -
Talk to the other dead people. Complain about the living. cNone
Maintenance Drone
Repair and maintain the station. Do not interfere with the business of non-drones. cMedium -


The villains who prefer crude and very lethal methods, pursuing the goal of distorting something positive on this ship, or its full destruction. Who knows what goals they pursue?

Job Role Difficulty Guides
Serbian Mercenary
Finish your contract. cHard -
32px Excelsior Infiltrator
Start your cyber-communism revolution, take control over the ship, build your special commie base. cHard -
NeoTheology.png NeoTheology Inquisitor
Control believers, give them tasks, punish sinful believers, watch over them from their eyes. NeoTheology should stay pure, and perfect. cVery Hard -


Unexpected allies, hiding among the crew, and following on the heels of villains - their task is to crush the enemy, and restore justice, preventing tragedy.

Job Role Difficulty Guides
Ironhammer.png Ironhammer Marshal
Find the antags, investigate their crimes step-by-step, and kill them. Take help from Ironhammer. cVery Hard -